Health benefits of cooking and consuming cabbage

Cabbage or cabbage is one type of vegetable that is quite well known
Its crunchy texture and mild taste make this one vegetable often processed into a variety of dishes, such as dumplings, soup, bakwan.

Often cooked into a daily diet, apparently the cabbage has a myriad of extraordinary health benefits. Anything?

1. Lose weight
A bowl of cooked cabbage contains 33 calories, so it is very good for people who are on a diet program. Not only that, cabbage is also rich in natural fibers that can make the stomach feel full longer.

2. Good for brain health
Cabbage is rich in vitamin K and anthocyanin, a chemical compound that is useful for maintaining health and increasing brain concentration. In addition, these two substances are also very effective in preventing nerve damage and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

3. Healthy skin

Cabbage also contains sulfur which is very good for dealing with acne on the skin. Not only that, cabbage also contains keratin so that it can strengthen and maintain healthy hair and nails.

4. Removing toxins in the body
The content of vitamin C and sulfur in cabbage can also help eliminate toxins and bacteria that cause various diseases such as joint inflammation, aches, skin diseases, rheumatism, and gout.

5. Prevent cancer
This vegetable is also very effective in preventing cancer. Compounds of lupeol, sinigrin, and sulforaphane in cabbage can inhibit tumor growth and cancer in the body. In addition, a study also revealed that eating cabbage regularly has been shown to counteract the risk of breast cancer in women.

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