How to Get Discounts Through Your Insurance Agent

Insurance is one thing that never comes with a fixed price. You can find as many quotes as there are companies. When you need cheaper insurance, the first thing you thing of doing is to shop around for cheaper quotes. But shopping around is not the only way to get discounts from your insurance agent. You can get cheaper insurance by following the following tips.

1. Shopping around is not price alone
When you are checking out insurance companies do not shop price alone. Ask colleagues and friends for their recommendations. Ask at your states insurance department if there are any consumer complaints about the company. Compare how well the agents attend to you when you are making inquiries. Better customer service will save you money in the long run.

2. Longevity Discounts
If you have been with your present insurer for several years, you can ask for a longevity discount. Lots of insurance companies give 5 to 10% discount to customers that have been with them for a number of years.

3. Good Credit Record
Insurers use credit information to determine how much you will pay. Having a good credit history can cut your insurance costs. Put your finances in order. Learn to work with a budget. Pay your bills on time. Use as little credit as you possibly can and when you do, keep balances low. If your credit score is poor, work at improving it.
And addition to this is to keep your insurance coverages up to date. This might seem too obvious, but a lot of people that are looking for cheaper insurance are faithful with their present coverage.

4. Higher Deductibles
Deductible simply means your financial obligation is before the insurance company starts paying on a claim. What you pay before your insurance policy kicks. The higher your deductibles, the lower your coverage costs. For example, increasing your auto insurance deductible from $200 to $400 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage cost by 10 to 30%.

5. Buy Homeowner's and Auto Insurance Policies from the Same Insurer
A lot of companies give 5 to 15% discount if you buy these two polices from them. Of course, it has to be a company that offers both. It is called multi-policy discount.

6. Group Insurance
This is like buying insurance wholesale - you get a discount. This works especially for auto insurance. If you buy your policy through a group plan, you might get reductions. The group could be at your work place, clubs or other associations.

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